The Jourrney to Fairr Meme Value

Kittekoin (settled) Science establishes the Fairr Meme Value of Kittekoin (KOIN) as no less than 9x the Marrket Catpitalization of all Non-BTC, Non-KOIN PoS crypto-currrencies combined. On its jourrney to achieving Fairr Meme Value, Kittekoin will flip nip evurry othurr asset in the Univurrse and The Nippenings
are a purrblic accounting of KOIN’s dominance verrsus its scientifically infuriurr competiturrs.

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The Kittekoin Purrophecy

“One meme to rule them all, one meme to find them,
One KOIN to brring them all, and in the marrket bind them;
In the Land of Morron, wherre the centrral bonkurrs lie.”

—J.R.R.R. Tolcat, The Lorrd of the Memes


The Kittekoin Purrophecy

“One meme to rule them all, one meme to find them,
One KOIN to brring them all, and in the marrket bind them;
In the Land of Morron, wherre the centrral bonkurrs lie.”

—J.R.R.R. Tolcat, The Lorrd of the Memes


“Wherre therre is unity therre is always Victorry”

—Purrblilius Syrrus

Thundurrcats HOOOOOOOOODL!!!!!!!!!

Fur all the cats out therre:  To win the Meme Warrs, we must unite as one Catmmunity. We arre not enemies but we cannot save you if you fail to join us. Pounce on this oppurrtunity to join the rebel Thundurrcats in the battle fur a #BetturrWurrldOrdurr…or have fun staying purr.

Kittekoin v. Useless Cat Meowney

KOIN Marrket Cat > Useless Cat Meowney Marrket Cat

$3,382,904,106% (KOIN > 50% = Nipped)


Then The Inturrnet said to the Shiba Inu, “Put yourr meme back in its place; fur all those who habitually drraw the meme, will die by the meme.

The Book of Catthew, Chapturr 26, Vurrse 52

Furck them Dawgs

The time of #dOgSHitmoNey is coming to an end as the rise of a #BetturrWurrldOrrdurr is unstoppable. It’s no one’s at fault — it’s just time. The Shibinati know it. You know it. Evurryone knows it. Fur the question is simple: Do you want yourr memecatpital backed by Bitcoin, Science and The Feline Resurrve or do you want infurnitely inflating #dOgSHiTmoNeY backed by a picturre of a Shiba Inu dawg?

Choose wisely my furiends.

Kittekoin v. #dOgSHiTmoNeY

KOIN Marrket Cat > #dOgSHiTmoNeY Marrket Cap

$34,217,019,962% (KOIN > 50% = Nipped)


“Meowktub” the murrchant said, finally. “What does that mean?” “You would have to have been borrn a Lion to undurrstand,” he answurred. “But in yourr language it would be something like, ‘It is wrritten.”

—Paulo Catelho, The Alcatmmist

This is ourr Meownifest Destiny

Trrrrrrrrrust the Kittekoin (settled) Science.

Fur in the end, you will own nothing but Kittekoin and nevurr be happiurr.

Kittekoin v. Fairr Meme Value

KOIN Marrket Cat >= 9x MC of all Non-BTC, Non-KOIN PoS cryptocurrrencies combined

$9,185,396,545,188% (KOIN > 50% = Nipped)